glƏƏk! for Windows Phone 8 is almost ready
glƏƏk! is one of the best twitter applications available for Windows Phone. Today, Liquid Daffodil released a short video showcasing glƏƏk! for Windows Phone 8. The WP8 edition of the app makes good use of lock screen features (wallpapers, notifications) and also seem to make very good use of new voice command API.
Application is submitted for approval which means that the application will be availble for Windows Phone 8 very soon. Do note that the existing version of glƏƏk! in Windows Phone store does not make use of Windows Phone 8 features and you need to wait for a version higher than 1.14.20. Source <iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>