
These are top performance and battery draining apps on Android

AVG, the security software maker has compiled a list of top 10 performance draining applications that run at startup and top 10 performance draining apps that are run by users on Android. As expected, apps like Whatsapp, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram are there but what is surprising though is that almost all the apps from start-up list are chat applications. AVG had collected data from 3 million Android users and you can check the whole report here.

top-10-startup-perf-drain-apps top-10-user-perf-drain-apps

Eight of top 10 commonly used Android Apps are from Google and the other two apps are Facebook and Samsung Push Service. Samsung’s AllShare is the worst battery draining application that runs at start-up while Samsung WatchON is the worst battery draining app that is started by users. Facebook is the worst storage eater and is also the top data traffic hogging application.



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