
Jawbone evolves UP fitness tracking app into a platform, ready for partners

Jawbone UP orginally is a fitness tracking wristband and an application that track how the user sleeps, moves and eats. Last week, Jawbone has opened up the UP platform. With Jawbone 2.5 application for iOS, users can integrate services like IFTTT, LoseIt!, Maxwell Health, MapMyFitness, MyFitnessPal, Notch, RunKeeper,
Sleepio™, Wello® and Withings to the application and listed below are a few scenarios that are possible as per Jawbone:

  • Log a run or bike ride with RunKeeper or MapMyFitness, and view your workout data in UP,
    including maps of your route, to see how last night’s sleep may have impacted your speed or
  • Step on your Withings Smart Body Analyzer and automatically import your weight into UP to track
    it in the context of how you sleep, eat and move, and get support from your UP teammates as you
    work toward your goal.
  • Create IFTTT Recipes to receive nudges based on your UP activity, like texting you to go for a run if
    the weather is sunny, or tweeting at your workout partner when you reach 15,000 steps.
    Complete a workout with a live personal trainer in your home or hotel room using Wello, and log
    the workout directly into UP.
  • Once connected with an app through UP, you can view your activity from UP and any partner app in
    your feed, lifeline, and trends. You can also use your UP data in selected apps – including things like
    detailed sleep and movement data, your food or even your mood – to make those experiences even

“UP is about knowing yourself,” said Travis Bogard, Vice President of Product Management and
Strategy at Jawbone. “The platform allows our community to create extremely personal experiences
tailored to their lifestyles and goals, and enhance the apps they’re already using. And, our unique
approach to building an API with bi-directional data sharing benefits developers and partners as they
seek to reach new customers and design experiences that weren’t before possible. The UP platform is
another step in building a broader ecosystem that helps people everywhere live healthier lives.”

If you are a developer and want to integrate your service with UP, you can head here to place a partnership request.



Co-Founder of GadgetDetail, gadget lover, addicted to American TV shows, fan of Ferrari and Federer, Bengalurian, FOOD LOVER, multiplex hater.

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