
I hate Whatsapp

I had started using a smartphone about a decade ago. Since then, till this year, I never had to keep my phone in silent mode unless I was in a meeting or in a movie theatre. When iOS, Android etc came with this ‘do not disturb’ setting, I was like ‘meh, why use a smartphone when you turn on DnD’. Now, thanks to Whatsapp, my phone stays in ‘do not disturb’ or ‘silent’ mode most of the time and it certainly stays that way every single night.  I cannot uninstall whatsapp as I do not want to get completely disconnected from some important groups (family groups where we share our photos and tech bloggers groups where we discuss on healthy topics). I  HATE WHATSAPP!

Good morning

Saying good morning is a good habit. Saying good morning by sending a photo is irritating habit. A dozen people sending photos every fucking morning saying good morning makes you wake up fuming! There is one such group where, there will be hand ful of images of flowers, cats dogs babies ever morning. I once asked, is it necessary to send a photo every day and the reply was ‘you move those photos to another folder’. I had to disable automatic media download just because of this one group because I cant have my iCloud photos folder filled with flowers! But they won’t understand because they think that sending a photos is ‘the cool thing to do’.

Inspiring story

There is a new trend in town. People who are jobless start sending quotes from books they read and these are shared on every bloody group. Irony is that the same story or quote is shared in every group and then shared again after few days by another just woke up and never knew that it was already shared many times. And how many of these really get inspired by these inspirational stories? NONE! ZERO! ABSOLUTELY NO ONE!

Lets have more talk

Someone in the group suddenly says ‘this is boring, we are not doing anything other than GM GN’. Everyone starts doing analysis and then in the middle of all this, one will share a photo of cute baby with a caption ‘its okay’. This is when there will be sudden outburst of discussion. Your phone suddenly start going crazy and you have to rush to turn off notifications.

Good Night

I wake up at 6am, work on GD, go through feedly rss feed, mark news to be covered by others, get ready, go to office, work, come back, do some news posts and get ready to bed. Every single day is exhausting for some one who takes blogging as a hobby and we all deserve  healthy sleep. But then just when I am about to go to bed, the phone starts going crazy! MORE PHOTOS OF FLOWERS, MORE QUOTES, MORE MINI STORIES! Its time to say Good Night! and no we cannot say good night like a normal person, we have to share a photo. Because if you do not share a photo with a caption, you are not wishing Good Night.

Whatsapp, Telegram and chat clients like this are meant to keep us connected in a good way. Ask other people how the day went through, talk about something good, have a good talk and say good night and go to bed.

There are enough social networks where jokes, quotes, mini stories, photos of flowers are shared. Form a small group of those who like these things and you share it with them. Just refrain from doing the same in large groups created for connecting people.

Most important thing, when the clock turns 10 or 11, stop chatting on whatsapp or telegram groups, take it off the group. And stop overloading the group with unwanted photos. No one is interesting in knowing the number of species of flowers on earth! Just because people in the group are not saying anything does not mean that they love those photos! It means that they stopped giving a damn about your photos! It also makes you addicted to these and its not a good thing!


Co-Founder of GadgetDetail, gadget lover, addicted to American TV shows, fan of Ferrari and Federer, Bengalurian, FOOD LOVER, multiplex hater.

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