Press Releases

Nuance announce Dragon Anywhere cloud based voice dictation and documentation application

BURLINGTON, Mass. – August 18, 2015 – Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) today announced Dragon Anywhere, a cloud-based mobile application available this fall for iOS and Android that delivers Dragon’s powerful voice dictation and documentation productivity capabilities to mobile devices for the first time.

Designed for the mobile workforce, Dragon Anywhere brings professional-grade continuous dictation to iOS and Android smartphones and tablets, enabling users to create and edit complete reports and documents, capture detailed notes, and more, while on the go. This new, cloud-based mobile app empowers field workers, lawyers, social workers, insurance adjusters, public safety officers, and other professionals to keep up with documentation demands even when they are away from their desks.

With Dragon Anywhere, professionals can finish a meeting, a site visit, an inspection, or other work in the field and begin documenting the interaction on their mobile device—while the information is still fresh in their mind – to produce more accurate and detailed reports. Because dictation is captured immediately, they can review and correct on the spot, without having to transcribe a recording later or pay for costly transcription services, which often take days to come back.

Further, Dragon Anywhere creates a powerful cross-device experience, enabling Dragon users to quickly and easily access documents saved to a preferred cloud service from their desktop. Customized vocabularies and auto-texts are also shared across an entire Dragon experience with Dragon Anywhere’s ability to sync with the new Dragon Professional Individual and Dragon for Mac.

Dragon Anywhere offers:

  • Fast dictation and high recognition accuracy
  • Continual learning of a person’s unique voice for improved accuracy – the more Dragon Anywhere is used, the more accurate it becomes
  • No time or length limits on dictation; professionals can speak as long as they want to, capturing all of the details needed for complete, accurate documentation
  • Robust voice formatting and editing options, including the ability to select words and sentences for editing or deletion, navigate through fields of a report template, and apply common formatting like underline, bold and italics
  • Support for auto-texts – frequently-used text passages such as client or work order descriptions—that can be saved and inserted as a dictation command (e.g., “Insert client details.”)
  • Support for custom words, allowing professionals to add industry-specific terminology for even better dictation accuracy
  • Support for simple importing and exporting to and from popular cloud document-sharing tools like Dropbox and saving to note-taking apps like Evernote, so work can be continued from a mobile device or on a desktop

Dragon Anywhere can also be deployed across an enterprise and managed through the Nuance User Management Center. Custom words and auto-texts can be easily managed by an IT administrator and deployed to employees using the app.

“For years, professionals across industries have relied on Dragon on their PCs and Macs for completing the documentation and paperwork requirements that are critical to their businesses, and we are excited to extend that experience to mobile devices with Dragon Anywhere,” said Peter Mahoney, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Dragon. “By leveraging the cloud, Dragon Anywhere provides sophisticated dictation, editing, and formatting capabilities not offered by any other mobile voice dictation application, ensuring that professionals can stay productive wherever their work takes them.”


Dragon Anywhere will be available in English in the US and UK via the App Store and Google Play in fall 2015 as a subscription-based application. More information on Dragon Anywhere can be found here.

Media information and multimedia collateral are available via the Dragon Press Kit.

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Co-Founder of GadgetDetail, gadget lover, addicted to American TV shows, fan of Ferrari and Federer, Bengalurian, FOOD LOVER, multiplex hater.

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