Microsoft Revolve app hopes to prepare you for meetings
In today’s world where people prefer to talk virtually than in real life, starting a conversation with people you meet could be a bit awkward for some people. To help you out with this predicament, Microsoft is testing and preparing to launch a new app that focuses on improving your conversational skills.
The Microsoft Revolve app aims to give you insights about the people you are going to meet, the type of meeting that is going to take place and prepares you to have a good, productive conversation. Microsoft has all been about productivity of late, so this comes as no surprise. The concept itself, however, is very interesting.
Revolve prepares you for every conversation in every meeting. It works in the background to find and display relevant insights about the people you’re going to meet. Easily sidestep small talk and spark real conversations that matter
The app is still in private beta, so you will have to wait for a while before it is opened up for public. However, you can still find it in the Windows Phone store below.
Microsoft Revolve in the Windows Phone Store