
Microsoft OneClip is a cross-platform clipboard with real-time sync

Microsoft has been doing a lot of neat stuff recently, from amazing calendar and email apps for its rivals platforms to its crowning jewel Office suite of productivity software on both iOS and Android. This new Microsoft, led by Satya Nadella, is going to launch another excellent utility in the form of OneClip soon.

Microsoft OneClip

Microsoft OneClip is a cross-platform clipboard, that does real time sync of your.. clipboard. Any content that is on your clipboard, it will be collected by OneClip – images, screenshots, text, links etc. These items will then be synced over to any other device that has OneClip installed. You will have to use the same account on all the devices, of course. Here are the launch notes for OneClip:

With Oneclip, it’s easy to get back to the stuff you’ve seen and used. It might be a photo you took, a screenshot you made, a phone number or address you copied on your PC (and really really need now while you’re on the run) or just an important piece of text. OneClip makes this available to you automatically, on your behalf, on all your devices. A cross device, secure, intelligent clipboard in the cloud. Why didn’t anyone think of this earlier?

Microsoft has not yet released the apps, but the company is set to do an official announcement soon. So far, OneClip was being used as an internal tool, but it turns out that it works so well and the idea is so good that Microsoft is releasing it to the general public.



Student, smartphone enthusiast and a Nexus fan.

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