One of the very useful features of FunTouch OS is Smart Motion. I can draw a letter when the display is off and the corresponding app assigned to launch will open up. This way, I do not have to unlock the phone, tap on app to open. Other gestures include smart wake, air operation, smart on/off, smart call etc. We have compiled a few guides for Vivo V5. Head to this page to see the full list of guides. But first, go through tthis guide to learn how to make the most of Vivo V5s and Vivo V5 Gestures. Also, do not miss our “Recommended Smartphones” list that contains best smartphones for every budget.
Please go to this page if you are using new Vivo phone with FunTouch OS 9 : How to use gestures in Vivo Phone
Go to Settings and select ‘Smart motion’ to go to the page that has the full list of gesture settings.
Settings -> Smart Motion -> Smart Wake
This is where you configure ‘draw a letter’ settings. Some gestures like ‘slide when screen turned off to change music’, ‘draw @ to launch Email’ are very helpful.
Air operation
Settings -> Smart Motion -> Air Operation
You can configure to show phone status by waving above the phone. You can also configure the same action to unlock the phone (if not protected by pin etc).
Smart turn on/off screen
Settings -> Smart Motion -> Smart turn on/off screen
From this settings page, you can enable options to turn the screen on when you pick phone from your pocket, to turn display on when you double tap on screen,
Smart Call
Settings -> Smart Motion -> Smart Call
Here, you can enable gestures like ‘put phone close to ear to call contact in contact details etc’, ‘take the call when phone is moved near to ear’, ‘mute phone when you cover the screen’ etc.
Smart Click
Settings -> Smart click
This setting lets you setup an action when you double click Vol-Down button. One good action is to turn on/off flashlight or open camera.
Most of these gestures are very good and practical. We suggest you to go through these as they save you lot of time.