
Google Cloud Test Lab will let devs test Android apps

Developing apps for Android is a challenging experience, as told by dozens of popular iOS developers who made their way onto Android as well when the platform gained enough traction. With thousands of unique Android devices (4000, according to a modest estimate by Google), testing the apps for even all the popular smartphones becomes a time consuming, tiring experience.

Google Cloud Test Lab

To make this process easier, Google has launched its new Cloud Test Lab, which will allow you to run automated tests on the top 20 Android devices for free. While it is currently free, Google plans to introduce a premium version, with additional Android devices added to the testing pool. This new service comes as part of Google’s acquisition of Appurify. In this, the service will run robot app crawlers searching the app for different bugs and crashes. At the end of the test, a report will be generated that includes screenshots, videos, logs and reports. Developers get the option to use a GUI or a command line interface.


Student, smartphone enthusiast and a Nexus fan.

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