ColorOS 6 comes with large number of gestures and majority of these are very helpful. In this guide, we show you truckload of gestures that you can setup on your Oppo or Realme phone running ColorOS 6. You can also go to our highly rated ‘Smartphone recommendation list‘ to get list of smartphones that provide you best experience, at every budget.
Screen off gestures #
- Go to [Settings] application.
- Scroll down and click on [Convenience Aid].
- Tap on [Gesture and motion].
- Set up [Sceen-off Gestures] to perform actions when screen is turned off. These gestures include [double tap to wake], [draw V to turn on flashlight] and more.
- To setup more Screen-off Gestures, tap on [Screen-off Gestures].
- In this window, select gesture to configure.
- Select action for the gesture.
- Now, when you perform this gesture when screen is off, the action will be applied. For example, I enabled drawing V to turn on flashlight and when I draw a V on screen, flashlight turns on. This helps a lot when it is dark and you just woke up from sleep.
Flip to mute calls #
From [Smart Call], you can select gestures to auto call or answer calls. You can also enable [Flip to Mute incoming calls].
Back in [Convenience Aid] page, you can change navigation key setup, enable assistive ball, smart sidebar etc.
Navigation Keys and gestures #
If you like iOS like gestures, select [Swipe Gestures from Both Sides]. Once you get used to these gestures, you will never go back to Virtual navigation keys. Do give it at-least a week’s time. Other options include [Swipe-up Gestures] and various [Virtual Keys] layouts.

Assistive Ball #

When you turn on [Assistive Ball], you will see a circular overlay ball that lets you perform various gestures. In [Assistive Ball] options, you can setup actions for single tap, double tab, touch and hold etc. Another option is to gave [Tap Menu] instead of [Gesture Operations]. When you opt for this, you will see multiple icons when you tap on [Assistive Ball]. Each icon can be further customized.

Smart Sidebar #
Go to [Smart Sidebar]. This is a bit similar to [Assistive Ball] wherein you get multiple [Quick Apps] and [Quick Tools] features. The [Smart Sidebar] feature is more useful than [Assistive Ball] once you set it up the right way.