
Microsoft 12 Days of Deals Day 11: $50 promo gift card

Day 11

Today is the 11th day of the 12 Days of deals and today, Microsoft is offering a $50 Windows Gift card with the purchase of a 12-month Groove Music pass. The 12-month Groove music pass costs $99.99, that’s 50% savings if you are ready to spend your promo card on Microsoft products.

Groove Music Pass lets you instantly stream and download millions of songs just about anywhere, on almost any device, online or off. You can use it on Windows, Android, iPhone, Xbox and the web.* Listen ad-free, set the mood with a playlist, or cue up something new with artist-based radio.

The promo code for the gift card must be redeemed by January 31, 2016, and spent within 90 days of redemption. Groove Music is available cross-platforms, being on Windows 10 devices, iOS, and Android.

Click here to take advantage of this deal.


Student, smartphone enthusiast and a Nexus fan.

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